CastingIf you are interested in having your experience and story recorded, please fill out this form. This will help us create a story about you that reflect how Dr. Cortes has changed your life. - Step 1 of 2When did you first begin thinking about a procedure and why? *How did you hear about Dr. Cortes? *What was your first impression coming into the office for your consultation? *What was your first reaction upon seeing your results? *What have been some changes in your life since your procedure? *How did this procedure help your life? With your family? With your work? *If you knew someone who was thinking about surgery, what would you say to them? *What is something your friends would say about you since having surgery? *What is your occupation? *What are some of your hobbies? *Do you have any videos of activities you have done after your surgery? *Do you have selfies of your result? *NextFull Name *Email *Comment or Message *CommentSubmit